
100 lines
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Raw Normal View History

use bch_bindgen::{error, info};
use clap::Parser;
use colored::Colorize;
use atty::Stream;
use uuid::Uuid;
use crate::filesystem;
use crate::key;
use crate::key::KeyLoc;
fn parse_fstab_uuid(uuid_raw: &str) -> Result<Uuid, uuid::Error> {
let mut uuid = String::from(uuid_raw);
if uuid.starts_with("UUID=") {
uuid = uuid.replacen("UUID=", "", 1);
return Uuid::parse_str(&uuid);
fn stdout_isatty() -> &'static str {
if atty::is(Stream::Stdout) {
} else {
/// Mount a bcachefs filesystem by its UUID.
#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
#[command(author, version, about, long_about = None)]
pub struct Cli {
/// Where the password would be loaded from.
/// Possible values are:
/// "fail" - don't ask for password, fail if filesystem is encrypted;
/// "wait" - wait for password to become available before mounting;
/// "ask" - prompt the user for password;
#[arg(short, long, default_value = "", verbatim_doc_comment)]
pub key_location: KeyLoc,
/// External UUID of the bcachefs filesystem
/// Accepts the UUID as is or as fstab style UUID=<UUID>
#[arg(value_parser = parse_fstab_uuid)]
pub uuid: uuid::Uuid,
/// Where the filesystem should be mounted. If not set, then the filesystem
/// won't actually be mounted. But all steps preceeding mounting the
/// filesystem (e.g. asking for passphrase) will still be performed.
pub mountpoint: Option<std::path::PathBuf>,
/// Mount options
#[arg(short, default_value = "")]
pub options: String,
/// Force color on/off. Default: autodetect tty
#[arg(short, long, action = clap::ArgAction::Set, default_value=stdout_isatty())]
pub colorize: bool,
#[arg(short = 'v', long, action = clap::ArgAction::Count)]
pub verbose: u8,
pub fn cmd_mount_inner(opt: Cli) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
unsafe {
libc::setvbuf(filesystem::stdout, std::ptr::null_mut(), libc::_IONBF, 0);
let fss = filesystem::probe_filesystems()?;
let fs = fss
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("filesystem was not found"))?;
info!("found filesystem {}", fs);
if fs.encrypted() {
let key = opt
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("no keyoption specified for locked filesystem"))?;
key::prepare_key(&fs, key)?;
let mountpoint = opt
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("mountpoint option was not specified"))?;
fs.mount(&mountpoint, &opt.options)?;
pub extern "C" fn cmd_mount() {
let opt = Cli::parse();
bch_bindgen::log::set_verbose_level(opt.verbose + bch_bindgen::log::ERROR);
if let Err(e) = cmd_mount_inner(opt) {
error!("Fatal error: {}", e);