mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 00:00:04 +03:00
Update bcachefs sources to 1a510b00b6 bcachefs: Increase BTREE_TRANS_MEM_MAX
This commit is contained in:
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -32,10 +32,6 @@ Or to build from source, install libscrypt from the AUR along with,
Then, just make && make install
-- Debug build --
In order to perform extra checks on bcachefs tools, abort on any unforeseen warning and include support for valgrind, use 'make debug'.
This target will decrease performance and is specifically meant for developers
-- Experimental features --
@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# kbuild: Generic definitions
# Convenient variables
comma := ,
quote := "
squote := '
empty :=
space := $(empty) $(empty)
space_escape := _-_SPACE_-_
pound := \#
# Name of target with a '.' as filename prefix. foo/bar.o => foo/.bar.o
dot-target = $(dir $@).$(notdir $@)
# The temporary file to save gcc -MMD generated dependencies must not
# contain a comma
depfile = $(subst $(comma),_,$(dot-target).d)
# filename of target with directory and extension stripped
basetarget = $(basename $(notdir $@))
# real prerequisites without phony targets
real-prereqs = $(filter-out $(PHONY), $^)
# Escape single quote for use in echo statements
escsq = $(subst $(squote),'\$(squote)',$1)
# Quote a string to pass it to C files. foo => '"foo"'
stringify = $(squote)$(quote)$1$(quote)$(squote)
# Easy method for doing a status message
kecho := :
quiet_kecho := echo
silent_kecho := :
kecho := $($(quiet)kecho)
# filechk is used to check if the content of a generated file is updated.
# Sample usage:
# filechk_sample = echo $(KERNELRELEASE)
# version.h: FORCE
# $(call filechk,sample)
# The rule defined shall write to stdout the content of the new file.
# The existing file will be compared with the new one.
# - If no file exist it is created
# - If the content differ the new file is used
# - If they are equal no change, and no timestamp update
define filechk
$(Q)set -e; \
mkdir -p $(dir $@); \
trap "rm -f $(dot-target).tmp" EXIT; \
{ $(filechk_$(1)); } > $(dot-target).tmp; \
if [ ! -r $@ ] || ! cmp -s $@ $(dot-target).tmp; then \
$(kecho) ' UPD $@'; \
mv -f $(dot-target).tmp $@; \
# gcc support functions
# See documentation in Documentation/kbuild/makefiles.rst
# cc-cross-prefix
# Usage: CROSS_COMPILE := $(call cc-cross-prefix, m68k-linux-gnu- m68k-linux-)
# Return first <prefix> where a <prefix>gcc is found in PATH.
# If no gcc found in PATH with listed prefixes return nothing
# Note: '2>/dev/null' is here to force Make to invoke a shell. Otherwise, it
# would try to directly execute the shell builtin 'command'. This workaround
# should be kept for a long time since this issue was fixed only after the
# GNU Make 4.2.1 release.
cc-cross-prefix = $(firstword $(foreach c, $(1), \
$(if $(shell command -v -- $(c)gcc 2>/dev/null), $(c))))
# output directory for tests below
TMPOUT = $(if $(KBUILD_EXTMOD),$(firstword $(KBUILD_EXTMOD))/).tmp_$$$$
# try-run
# Usage: option = $(call try-run, $(CC)...-o "$$TMP",option-ok,otherwise)
# Exit code chooses option. "$$TMP" serves as a temporary file and is
# automatically cleaned up.
try-run = $(shell set -e; \
TMP=$(TMPOUT)/tmp; \
TMPO=$(TMPOUT)/tmp.o; \
mkdir -p $(TMPOUT); \
trap "rm -rf $(TMPOUT)" EXIT; \
if ($(1)) >/dev/null 2>&1; \
then echo "$(2)"; \
else echo "$(3)"; \
# as-option
# Usage: cflags-y += $(call as-option,-Wa$(comma)-isa=foo,)
as-option = $(call try-run,\
$(CC) $(KBUILD_CFLAGS) $(1) -c -x assembler /dev/null -o "$$TMP",$(1),$(2))
# as-instr
# Usage: cflags-y += $(call as-instr,instr,option1,option2)
as-instr = $(call try-run,\
printf "%b\n" "$(1)" | $(CC) $(KBUILD_AFLAGS) -c -x assembler -o "$$TMP" -,$(2),$(3))
# __cc-option
# Usage: MY_CFLAGS += $(call __cc-option,$(CC),$(MY_CFLAGS),-march=winchip-c6,-march=i586)
__cc-option = $(call try-run,\
$(1) -Werror $(2) $(3) -c -x c /dev/null -o "$$TMP",$(3),$(4))
# cc-option
# Usage: cflags-y += $(call cc-option,-march=winchip-c6,-march=i586)
cc-option = $(call __cc-option, $(CC),\
# cc-option-yn
# Usage: flag := $(call cc-option-yn,-march=winchip-c6)
cc-option-yn = $(call try-run,\
$(CC) -Werror $(KBUILD_CPPFLAGS) $(KBUILD_CFLAGS) $(1) -c -x c /dev/null -o "$$TMP",y,n)
# cc-disable-warning
# Usage: cflags-y += $(call cc-disable-warning,unused-but-set-variable)
cc-disable-warning = $(call try-run,\
$(CC) -Werror $(KBUILD_CPPFLAGS) $(KBUILD_CFLAGS) -W$(strip $(1)) -c -x c /dev/null -o "$$TMP",-Wno-$(strip $(1)))
# cc-ifversion
# Usage: EXTRA_CFLAGS += $(call cc-ifversion, -lt, 0402, -O1)
cc-ifversion = $(shell [ $(CONFIG_GCC_VERSION)0 $(1) $(2)000 ] && echo $(3) || echo $(4))
# ld-option
# Usage: KBUILD_LDFLAGS += $(call ld-option, -X, -Y)
ld-option = $(call try-run, $(LD) $(KBUILD_LDFLAGS) $(1) -v,$(1),$(2),$(3))
# ld-ifversion
# Usage: $(call ld-ifversion, -ge, 22252, y)
ld-ifversion = $(shell [ $(CONFIG_LD_VERSION)0 $(1) $(2)0 ] && echo $(3) || echo $(4))
# Shorthand for $(Q)$(MAKE) -f scripts/Makefile.build obj=
# Usage:
# $(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=dir
build := -f $(srctree)/scripts/Makefile.build obj
# Shorthand for $(Q)$(MAKE) -f scripts/Makefile.dtbinst obj=
# Usage:
# $(Q)$(MAKE) $(dtbinst)=dir
dtbinst := -f $(srctree)/scripts/Makefile.dtbinst obj
# Shorthand for $(Q)$(MAKE) -f scripts/Makefile.clean obj=
# Usage:
# $(Q)$(MAKE) $(clean)=dir
clean := -f $(srctree)/scripts/Makefile.clean obj
# echo command.
# Short version is used, if $(quiet) equals `quiet_', otherwise full one.
echo-cmd = $(if $($(quiet)cmd_$(1)),\
echo ' $(call escsq,$($(quiet)cmd_$(1)))$(echo-why)';)
# printing commands
cmd = @set -e; $(echo-cmd) $(cmd_$(1))
# if_changed - execute command if any prerequisite is newer than
# target, or command line has changed
# if_changed_dep - as if_changed, but uses fixdep to reveal dependencies
# including used config symbols
# if_changed_rule - as if_changed but execute rule instead
# See Documentation/kbuild/makefiles.rst for more info
ifneq ($(KBUILD_NOCMDDEP),1)
# Check if both commands are the same including their order. Result is empty
# string if equal. User may override this check using make KBUILD_NOCMDDEP=1
cmd-check = $(filter-out $(subst $(space),$(space_escape),$(strip $(cmd_$@))), \
$(subst $(space),$(space_escape),$(strip $(cmd_$1))))
cmd-check = $(if $(strip $(cmd_$@)),,1)
# Replace >$< with >$$< to preserve $ when reloading the .cmd file
# (needed for make)
# Replace >#< with >$(pound)< to avoid starting a comment in the .cmd file
# (needed for make)
# Replace >'< with >'\''< to be able to enclose the whole string in '...'
# (needed for the shell)
make-cmd = $(call escsq,$(subst $(pound),$$(pound),$(subst $$,$$$$,$(cmd_$(1)))))
# Find any prerequisites that are newer than target or that do not exist.
# (This is not true for now; $? should contain any non-existent prerequisites,
# but it does not work as expected when .SECONDARY is present. This seems a bug
# of GNU Make.)
# PHONY targets skipped in both cases.
newer-prereqs = $(filter-out $(PHONY),$?)
# Execute command if command has changed or prerequisite(s) are updated.
if_changed = $(if $(newer-prereqs)$(cmd-check), \
$(cmd); \
printf '%s\n' 'cmd_$@ := $(make-cmd)' > $(dot-target).cmd, @:)
# Execute the command and also postprocess generated .d dependencies file.
if_changed_dep = $(if $(newer-prereqs)$(cmd-check),$(cmd_and_fixdep),@:)
cmd_and_fixdep = \
$(cmd); \
scripts/basic/fixdep $(depfile) $@ '$(make-cmd)' > $(dot-target).cmd;\
rm -f $(depfile)
# Usage: $(call if_changed_rule,foo)
# Will check if $(cmd_foo) or any of the prerequisites changed,
# and if so will execute $(rule_foo).
if_changed_rule = $(if $(newer-prereqs)$(cmd-check),$(rule_$(1)),@:)
# why - tell why a target got built
# enabled by make V=2
# Output (listed in the order they are checked):
# (1) - due to target is PHONY
# (2) - due to target missing
# (3) - due to: file1.h file2.h
# (4) - due to command line change
# (5) - due to missing .cmd file
# (6) - due to target not in $(targets)
# (1) PHONY targets are always build
# (2) No target, so we better build it
# (3) Prerequisite is newer than target
# (4) The command line stored in the file named dir/.target.cmd
# differed from actual command line. This happens when compiler
# options changes
# (5) No dir/.target.cmd file (used to store command line)
# (6) No dir/.target.cmd file and target not listed in $(targets)
# This is a good hint that there is a bug in the kbuild file
ifeq ($(KBUILD_VERBOSE),2)
why = \
$(if $(filter $@, $(PHONY)),- due to target is PHONY, \
$(if $(wildcard $@), \
$(if $(newer-prereqs),- due to: $(newer-prereqs), \
$(if $(cmd-check), \
$(if $(cmd_$@),- due to command line change, \
$(if $(filter $@, $(targets)), \
- due to missing .cmd file, \
- due to $(notdir $@) not in $$(targets) \
) \
) \
) \
), \
- due to target missing \
) \
echo-why = $(call escsq, $(strip $(why)))
# When a Kconfig string contains a filename, it is suitable for
# passing to shell commands. It is surrounded by double-quotes, and
# any double-quotes or backslashes within it are escaped by
# backslashes.
# This is no use for dependencies or $(wildcard). We need to strip the
# surrounding quotes and the escaping from quotes and backslashes, and
# we *do* need to escape any spaces in the string. So, for example:
# Usage: $(eval $(call config_filename,FOO))
# Defines FOO_FILENAME based on the contents of the CONFIG_FOO option,
# transformed as described above to be suitable for use within the
# makefile.
# Also, if the filename is a relative filename and exists in the source
# tree but not the build tree, define FOO_SRCPREFIX as $(srctree)/ to
# be prefixed to *both* command invocation and dependencies.
# Note: We also print the filenames in the quiet_cmd_foo text, and
# perhaps ought to have a version specially escaped for that purpose.
# But it's only cosmetic, and $(patsubst "%",%,$(CONFIG_FOO)) is good
# enough. It'll strip the quotes in the common case where there's no
# space and it's a simple filename, and it'll retain the quotes when
# there's a space. There are some esoteric cases in which it'll print
# the wrong thing, but we don't really care. The actual dependencies
# and commands *do* get it right, with various combinations of single
# and double quotes, backslashes and spaces in the filenames.
define config_filename
ifneq ($$(CONFIG_$(1)),"")
$(1)_FILENAME := $$(subst \\,\,$$(subst \$$(quote),$$(quote),$$(subst $$(space_escape),\$$(space),$$(patsubst "%",%,$$(subst $$(space),$$(space_escape),$$(CONFIG_$(1)))))))
ifneq ($$(patsubst /%,%,$$(firstword $$($(1)_FILENAME))),$$(firstword $$($(1)_FILENAME)))
ifeq ($$(wildcard $$($(1)_FILENAME)),)
ifneq ($$(wildcard $$(srctree)/$$($(1)_FILENAME)),)
$(1)_SRCPREFIX := $(srctree)/
# delete partially updated (i.e. corrupted) files on error
# do not delete intermediate files automatically
@ -22,15 +22,26 @@ LDFLAGS+=$(CFLAGS) $(EXTRA_LDFLAGS)
VERSION?=$(shell git describe --dirty=+ 2>/dev/null || echo v0.1-nogit)
include Kbuild.include
CC_VERSION=$(shell $(CC) -v 2>&1|grep -E '(gcc|clang) version')
CFLAGS+=$(call cc-disable-warning, unused-but-set-variable)
CFLAGS+=$(call cc-disable-warning, stringop-overflow)
CFLAGS+=$(call cc-disable-warning, zero-length-bounds)
CFLAGS+=$(call cc-disable-warning, missing-braces)
CFLAGS+=$(call cc-disable-warning, zero-length-array)
CFLAGS+=$(call cc-disable-warning, shift-overflow)
CFLAGS+=$(call cc-disable-warning, enum-conversion)
ifneq (,$(findstring gcc,$(CC_VERSION)))
CFLAGS+=-Wno-unused-but-set-variable \
-Wno-zero-length-bounds \
ifneq (,$(findstring clang,$(CC_VERSION)))
CFLAGS+=-Wno-missing-braces \
-Wno-zero-length-array \
-Wno-shift-overflow \
PKGCONFIG_LIBS="blkid uuid liburcu libsodium zlib liblz4 libzstd libudev"
@ -87,10 +98,6 @@ bcachefs: $(filter-out ./tests/%.o, $(OBJS))
MOUNT_SRCS=$(shell find mount/src -type f -iname '*.rs') \
mount/Cargo.toml mount/Cargo.lock mount/build.rs
debug: bcachefs
libbcachefs_mount.a: $(MOUNT_SRCS)
LIBBCACHEFS_INCLUDE=$(CURDIR) cargo build --manifest-path mount/Cargo.toml --release
cp mount/target/release/libbcachefs_mount.a $@
@ -155,8 +162,6 @@ update-bcachefs-sources:
git add include/linux/list_nulls.h
cp $(LINUX_DIR)/include/linux/poison.h include/linux/
git add include/linux/poison.h
cp $(LINUX_DIR)/scripts/Kbuild.include ./
git add Kbuild.include
$(RM) libbcachefs/*.mod.c
git -C $(LINUX_DIR) rev-parse HEAD | tee .bcachefs_revision
git add .bcachefs_revision
@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ int cmd_format(int argc, char *argv[])
if (IS_ERR(c))
die("error opening %s: %s", device_paths.item[0],
die("error opening %s: %s", device_paths.item,
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ struct bch_sb *bch2_format(struct bch_opt_strs fs_opt_strs,
idx = bch2_disk_path_find_or_create(&sb, i->group);
if (idx < 0)
die("error creating disk path: %s", i->group);
die("error creating disk path: %s", idx);
@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ int bch2_acl_chmod(struct btree_trans *trans,
acl = bch2_acl_from_disk(xattr_val(xattr.v),
ret = PTR_ERR_OR_ZERO(acl);
if (ret || !acl)
if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(acl))
goto err;
ret = __posix_acl_chmod(&acl, GFP_KERNEL, mode);
@ -389,7 +389,8 @@ int bch2_acl_chmod(struct btree_trans *trans,
acl = NULL;
bch2_trans_iter_put(trans, iter);
if (!IS_ERR_OR_NULL(acl))
return ret;
@ -620,22 +620,22 @@ const char *bch2_bkey_format_validate(struct bkey_format *f)
if (f->nr_fields != BKEY_NR_FIELDS)
return "incorrect number of fields";
* Verify that the packed format can't represent fields larger than the
* unpacked format:
for (i = 0; i < f->nr_fields; i++) {
unsigned unpacked_bits = bch2_bkey_format_current.bits_per_field[i];
u64 unpacked_mask = ~((~0ULL << 1) << (unpacked_bits - 1));
u64 unpacked_max = ~((~0ULL << 1) << (unpacked_bits - 1));
u64 packed_max = f->bits_per_field[i]
? ~((~0ULL << 1) << (f->bits_per_field[i] - 1))
: 0;
u64 field_offset = le64_to_cpu(f->field_offset[i]);
if (f->bits_per_field[i] > unpacked_bits)
if (packed_max + field_offset < packed_max ||
packed_max + field_offset > unpacked_max)
return "field too large";
if ((f->bits_per_field[i] == unpacked_bits) && field_offset)
return "offset + bits overflow";
if (((field_offset + ((1ULL << f->bits_per_field[i]) - 1)) &
unpacked_mask) <
return "offset + bits overflow";
bits += f->bits_per_field[i];
@ -1193,7 +1193,7 @@ static struct bkey_packed *bset_search_write_set(const struct btree *b,
static inline void prefetch_four_cachelines(void *p)
#if CONFIG_X86_64
#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
asm("prefetcht0 (-127 + 64 * 0)(%0);"
"prefetcht0 (-127 + 64 * 1)(%0);"
"prefetcht0 (-127 + 64 * 2)(%0);"
@ -303,6 +303,9 @@ again:
bch2_btree_and_journal_iter_init_node_iter(&iter, c, b);
while ((k = bch2_btree_and_journal_iter_peek(&iter)).k) {
BUG_ON(bpos_cmp(k.k->p, b->data->min_key) < 0);
BUG_ON(bpos_cmp(k.k->p, b->data->max_key) > 0);
bch2_bkey_buf_reassemble(&cur_k, c, k);
@ -565,13 +565,16 @@ out: \
void bch2_btree_node_drop_keys_outside_node(struct btree *b)
struct bset_tree *t;
struct bkey_s_c k;
struct bkey unpacked;
struct btree_node_iter iter;
for_each_bset(b, t) {
struct bset *i = bset(b, t);
struct bkey_packed *k;
for (k = i->start; k != vstruct_last(i); k = bkey_next(k))
if (bkey_cmp_left_packed(b, k, &b->data->min_key) < 0)
if (bkey_cmp_left_packed(b, k, &b->data->min_key) >= 0)
if (k != i->start) {
@ -596,6 +599,11 @@ void bch2_btree_node_drop_keys_outside_node(struct btree *b)
for_each_btree_node_key_unpack(b, k, &iter, &unpacked) {
BUG_ON(bpos_cmp(k.k->p, b->data->min_key) < 0);
BUG_ON(bpos_cmp(k.k->p, b->data->max_key) > 0);
static int validate_bset(struct bch_fs *c, struct bch_dev *ca,
@ -1542,7 +1542,9 @@ struct btree *bch2_btree_iter_next_node(struct btree_iter *iter)
static void btree_iter_set_search_pos(struct btree_iter *iter, struct bpos new_pos)
struct bpos old_pos = iter->real_pos;
int cmp = bpos_cmp(new_pos, iter->real_pos);
unsigned l = iter->level;
@ -1761,7 +1763,7 @@ struct bkey_s_c bch2_btree_iter_peek_prev(struct btree_iter *iter)
if (!k.k ||
((iter->flags & BTREE_ITER_IS_EXTENTS)
? bkey_cmp(bkey_start_pos(k.k), iter->pos) >= 0
: bkey_cmp(bkey_start_pos(k.k), iter->pos) > 0))
: bkey_cmp(k.k->p, iter->pos) > 0))
k = btree_iter_level_prev(iter, l);
if (likely(k.k))
@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ struct btree_trans_commit_hook {
struct btree_trans_commit_hook *next;
#define BTREE_TRANS_MEM_MAX 4096
#define BTREE_TRANS_MEM_MAX (1U << 14)
struct btree_trans {
struct bch_fs *c;
@ -2307,16 +2307,17 @@ int bch2_truncate(struct user_namespace *mnt_userns,
int ret = 0;
* Don't update timestamps if we're not doing anything:
* If the truncate call with change the size of the file, the
* cmtimes should be updated. If the size will not change, we
* do not need to update the cmtimes.
if (iattr->ia_size == inode->v.i_size)
return 0;
if (!(iattr->ia_valid & ATTR_MTIME))
if (!(iattr->ia_valid & ATTR_CTIME))
iattr->ia_valid |= ATTR_MTIME|ATTR_CTIME;
if (iattr->ia_size != inode->v.i_size) {
if (!(iattr->ia_valid & ATTR_MTIME))
if (!(iattr->ia_valid & ATTR_CTIME))
iattr->ia_valid |= ATTR_MTIME|ATTR_CTIME;
@ -1274,8 +1274,8 @@ static int bch2_statfs(struct dentry *dentry, struct kstatfs *buf)
buf->f_bsize = sb->s_blocksize;
buf->f_blocks = usage.capacity >> shift;
buf->f_bfree = usage.free >> shift;
buf->f_bavail = avail_factor(usage.free) >> shift;
buf->f_bfree = avail_factor(usage.free) >> shift;
buf->f_bavail = buf->f_bfree;
buf->f_files = usage.nr_inodes + avail_inodes;
buf->f_ffree = avail_inodes;
@ -1811,8 +1811,11 @@ static void __bch2_read_endio(struct work_struct *work)
struct bvec_iter dst_iter = rbio->bvec_iter;
struct bch_extent_crc_unpacked crc = rbio->pick.crc;
struct nonce nonce = extent_nonce(rbio->version, crc);
unsigned nofs_flags;
struct bch_csum csum;
nofs_flags = memalloc_nofs_save();
/* Reset iterator for checksumming and copying bounced data: */
if (rbio->bounce) {
src->bi_iter.bi_size = crc.compressed_size << 9;
@ -1877,6 +1880,8 @@ nodecode:
rbio = bch2_rbio_free(rbio);
@ -1887,7 +1892,7 @@ csum_err:
if (!rbio->bounce && (rbio->flags & BCH_READ_USER_MAPPED)) {
rbio->flags |= BCH_READ_MUST_BOUNCE;
bch2_rbio_error(rbio, READ_RETRY, BLK_STS_IOERR);
goto out;
bch2_dev_inum_io_error(ca, rbio->read_pos.inode, (u64) rbio->bvec_iter.bi_sector,
@ -1895,12 +1900,12 @@ csum_err:
rbio->pick.crc.csum.hi, rbio->pick.crc.csum.lo,
csum.hi, csum.lo, crc.csum_type);
bch2_rbio_error(rbio, READ_RETRY_AVOID, BLK_STS_IOERR);
goto out;
bch_err_inum_ratelimited(c, rbio->read_pos.inode,
"decompression error");
bch2_rbio_error(rbio, READ_ERR, BLK_STS_IOERR);
goto out;
static void bch2_read_endio(struct bio *bio)
@ -73,7 +73,8 @@ static int __bch2_dev_usrdata_drop(struct bch_fs *c, unsigned dev_idx, int flags
bch2_btree_iter_set_pos(iter, bkey_start_pos(&sk.k->k));
ret = bch2_trans_update(&trans, iter, sk.k, 0) ?:
ret = bch2_btree_iter_traverse(iter) ?:
bch2_trans_update(&trans, iter, sk.k, 0) ?:
bch2_trans_commit(&trans, NULL, NULL,
@ -289,8 +289,6 @@ int open_for_format(const char *dev, bool force)
fputs("Proceed anyway?", stdout);
if (!ask_yn())
while (blkid_do_probe(pr) == 0)
blkid_do_wipe(pr, 0);
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
#define noreturn __attribute__((noreturn))
void die(const char *, ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2))) noreturn;
void die(const char *, ...) noreturn;
char *mprintf(const char *, ...)
__attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2)));
void *xcalloc(size_t, size_t);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user