use atty::Stream; use bch_bindgen::{bcachefs, bcachefs::bch_sb_handle, opt_set}; use log::{info, debug, error, LevelFilter}; use clap::{Parser}; use uuid::Uuid; use std::path::PathBuf; use crate::key; use crate::key::KeyLocation; use std::ffi::{CString, c_int, c_char, c_void, OsStr}; use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt; fn mount_inner( src: String, target: impl AsRef, fstype: &str, mountflags: libc::c_ulong, data: Option, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { // bind the CStrings to keep them alive let src = CString::new(src)?; let target = CString::new(target.as_ref().as_os_str().as_bytes())?; let data =; let fstype = CString::new(fstype)?; // convert to pointers for ffi let src = src.as_c_str().to_bytes_with_nul().as_ptr() as *const c_char; let target = target.as_c_str().to_bytes_with_nul().as_ptr() as *const c_char; let data = data.as_ref().map_or(std::ptr::null(), |data| { data.as_c_str().to_bytes_with_nul().as_ptr() as *const c_void }); let fstype = fstype.as_c_str().to_bytes_with_nul().as_ptr() as *const c_char; let ret = { info!("mounting filesystem"); // REQUIRES: CAP_SYS_ADMIN unsafe { libc::mount(src, target, fstype, mountflags, data) } }; match ret { 0 => Ok(()), _ => Err(crate::ErrnoError(errno::errno()).into()), } } /// Parse a comma-separated mount options and split out mountflags and filesystem /// specific options. fn parse_mount_options(options: impl AsRef) -> (Option, libc::c_ulong) { use either::Either::*; debug!("parsing mount options: {}", options.as_ref()); let (opts, flags) = options .as_ref() .split(",") .map(|o| match o { "dirsync" => Left(libc::MS_DIRSYNC), "lazytime" => Left(1 << 25), // MS_LAZYTIME "mand" => Left(libc::MS_MANDLOCK), "noatime" => Left(libc::MS_NOATIME), "nodev" => Left(libc::MS_NODEV), "nodiratime" => Left(libc::MS_NODIRATIME), "noexec" => Left(libc::MS_NOEXEC), "nosuid" => Left(libc::MS_NOSUID), "relatime" => Left(libc::MS_RELATIME), "remount" => Left(libc::MS_REMOUNT), "ro" => Left(libc::MS_RDONLY), "rw" => Left(0), "strictatime" => Left(libc::MS_STRICTATIME), "sync" => Left(libc::MS_SYNCHRONOUS), "" => Left(0), o @ _ => Right(o), }) .fold((Vec::new(), 0), |(mut opts, flags), next| match next { Left(f) => (opts, flags | f), Right(o) => { opts.push(o); (opts, flags) } }); ( if opts.len() == 0 { None } else { Some(opts.join(",")) }, flags, ) } fn mount( device: String, target: impl AsRef, options: impl AsRef, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let (data, mountflags) = parse_mount_options(options); info!( "mounting bcachefs filesystem, {}", target.as_ref().display() ); mount_inner(device, target, "bcachefs", mountflags, data) } fn read_super_silent(path: &std::path::PathBuf) -> anyhow::Result { // Stop libbcachefs from spamming the output let _gag = gag::BufferRedirect::stdout().unwrap(); let mut opts = bcachefs::bch_opts::default(); opt_set!(opts, noexcl, 1); bch_bindgen::rs::read_super_opts(&path, opts) } fn get_devices_by_uuid(uuid: Uuid) -> anyhow::Result> { debug!("enumerating udev devices"); let mut udev = udev::Enumerator::new()?; udev.match_subsystem("block")?; let devs = udev .scan_devices()? .into_iter() .filter_map(|dev| dev.devnode().map(ToOwned::to_owned)) .map(|dev| (dev.clone(), read_super_silent(&dev))) .filter_map(|(dev, sb)| sb.ok().map(|sb| (dev, sb))) .filter(|(_, sb)| == uuid) .collect(); Ok(devs) } /// Mount a bcachefs filesystem by its UUID. #[derive(Parser, Debug)] #[command(author, version, about, long_about = None)] pub struct Cli { /// Where the password would be loaded from. /// /// Possible values are: /// "fail" - don't ask for password, fail if filesystem is encrypted; /// "wait" - wait for password to become available before mounting; /// "ask" - prompt the user for password; #[arg(short, long, default_value = "ask", verbatim_doc_comment)] key_location: KeyLocation, /// Device, or UUID= dev: String, /// Where the filesystem should be mounted. If not set, then the filesystem /// won't actually be mounted. But all steps preceeding mounting the /// filesystem (e.g. asking for passphrase) will still be performed. mountpoint: Option, /// Mount options #[arg(short, default_value = "")] options: String, /// Force color on/off. Default: autodetect tty #[arg(short, long, action = clap::ArgAction::Set, default_value_t=atty::is(Stream::Stdout))] colorize: bool, /// Verbose mode #[arg(short, long, action = clap::ArgAction::Count)] verbose: u8, } fn devs_str_sbs_from_uuid(uuid: String) -> anyhow::Result<(String, Vec)> { debug!("enumerating devices with UUID {}", uuid); let devs_sbs = Uuid::parse_str(&uuid) .map(|uuid| get_devices_by_uuid(uuid))??; let devs_str = devs_sbs .iter() .map(|(dev, _)| dev.to_str().unwrap()) .collect::>() .join(":"); let sbs: Vec = devs_sbs.iter().map(|(_, sb)| *sb).collect(); Ok((devs_str, sbs)) } fn cmd_mount_inner(opt: Cli) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let (devs, sbs) = if"UUID=") { let uuid ="UUID=", "", 1); devs_str_sbs_from_uuid(uuid)? } else if"OLD_BLKID_UUID=") { let uuid ="OLD_BLKID_UUID=", "", 1); devs_str_sbs_from_uuid(uuid)? } else { let mut sbs = Vec::new(); for dev in':') { let dev = PathBuf::from(dev); sbs.push(read_super_silent(&dev)?); } (, sbs) }; if sbs.len() == 0 { Err(anyhow::anyhow!("No device found from specified parameters"))?; } else if unsafe { bcachefs::bch2_sb_is_encrypted(sbs[0].sb) } { key::prepare_key(&sbs[0], opt.key_location)?; } if let Some(mountpoint) = opt.mountpoint { info!( "mounting with params: device: {}, target: {}, options: {}", devs, mountpoint.to_string_lossy(), &opt.options ); mount(devs, mountpoint, &opt.options)?; } else { info!( "would mount with params: device: {}, options: {}", devs, &opt.options ); } Ok(()) } pub fn cmd_mount(argv: Vec<&OsStr>) -> c_int { let opt = Cli::parse_from(argv); // @TODO : more granular log levels via mount option log::set_max_level(match opt.verbose { 0 => LevelFilter::Warn, 1 => LevelFilter::Trace, 2_u8..=u8::MAX => todo!(), }); colored::control::set_override(opt.colorize); if let Err(e) = cmd_mount_inner(opt) { error!("Fatal error: {}", e); 1 } else { info!("Successfully mounted"); 0 } }