#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bcache.h" #include "bcacheadm-query.h" static char *cset_dir = "/sys/fs/bcache"; static bool list_devs = false; static const char *internal_uuid = NULL; NihOption opts_list[] = { {'d', "dir", N_("directory"), NULL, NULL, &cset_dir, NULL}, {0, "list-devs", N_("list all devices in the cache sets as well"), NULL, NULL, &list_devs, NULL}, {0, "internal_uuid", N_("Show the internal UUID for the given cacheset UUID"), NULL, "UUID", &internal_uuid, NULL}, NIH_OPTION_LAST }; static void list_cacheset_devs(char *cset_dir, char *cset_name, bool parse_dev_name) { DIR *cachedir, *dir; struct stat cache_stat; char entry[MAX_PATH]; struct dirent *ent; snprintf(entry, MAX_PATH, "%s/%s", cset_dir, cset_name); if((dir = opendir(entry)) != NULL) { while((ent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { char buf[MAX_PATH]; int len; char *tmp; /* * We are looking for all cache# directories * do a strlen < 9 to skip over other entries * that also start with "cache" */ if(strncmp(ent->d_name, "cache", 5) || !(strlen(ent->d_name) < 9)) continue; snprintf(entry, MAX_PATH, "%s/%s/%s", cset_dir, cset_name, ent->d_name); if((cachedir = opendir(entry)) == NULL) continue; if(stat(entry, &cache_stat)) continue; if((len = readlink(entry, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1)) != -1) { buf[len] = '\0'; if(parse_dev_name) { tmp = dev_name(buf); printf("/dev%s\n", tmp); free(tmp); } else { printf("\t%s\n", buf); } } } } } static char *list_cachesets(char *cset_dir, bool list_devs) { struct dirent *ent; DIR *dir; char *err = NULL; dir = opendir(cset_dir); if (!dir) { err = "Failed to open cacheset dir"; goto err; } while ((ent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { struct stat statbuf; char entry[MAX_PATH]; if (!strcmp(ent->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(ent->d_name, "..")) continue; snprintf(entry, MAX_PATH, "%s/%s", cset_dir, ent->d_name); if(stat(entry, &statbuf) == -1) { err = "Failed to stat cacheset subdir"; goto err; } if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) { printf("%s\n", ent->d_name); if(list_devs) { list_cacheset_devs(cset_dir, ent->d_name, true); } } } err: closedir(dir); return err; } static char *read_stat_dir(DIR *dir, char *stats_dir, char *stat_name, char *ret) { struct stat statbuf; char entry[MAX_PATH]; char *err = NULL; snprintf(entry, MAX_PATH, "%s/%s", stats_dir, stat_name); if(stat(entry, &statbuf) == -1) { char tmp[MAX_PATH]; snprintf(tmp, MAX_PATH, "Failed to stat %s\n", entry); err = strdup(tmp); goto err; } if (S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode)) { FILE *fp = NULL; fp = fopen(entry, "r"); if(!fp) { /* If we can't open the file, this is probably because * of permissions, just move to the next file */ return NULL; } while(fgets(ret, MAX_PATH, fp)); fclose(fp); } err: return err; } int cmd_list(NihCommand *command, char *const *args) { char *err = NULL; if (internal_uuid) { char uuid_path[MAX_PATH]; DIR *uuid_dir; char buf[MAX_PATH]; snprintf(uuid_path, MAX_PATH, "%s/%s", cset_dir, internal_uuid); err = "uuid does not exist"; if((uuid_dir = opendir(uuid_path)) == NULL) goto err; err = read_stat_dir(uuid_dir, uuid_path, "/internal/internal_uuid", buf); if (err) goto err; printf("%s", buf); return 0; } err = list_cachesets(cset_dir, list_devs); if (err) goto err; return 0; err: printf("bcache_list_cachesets error :%s\n", err); return -1; } static bool force_csum = false; static bool uuid_only = false; static bool query_brief = false; NihOption opts_query[] = { {'f', "force_csum", N_("force_csum"), NULL, NULL, &force_csum, NULL}, {'u', "uuid-only", N_("only print out the uuid for the devices, not the whole superblock"), NULL, NULL, &uuid_only, NULL}, {'b', "brief", N_("only print out the cluster,server,and disk uuids"), NULL, NULL, &query_brief, NULL}, NIH_OPTION_LAST }; int cmd_query(NihCommand *command, char *const *args) { int i; if (query_brief) printf("%-10s%-40s%-40s%-40s\n", "dev name", "disk uuid", "server uuid", "cluster uuid"); for (i = 0; args[i] != NULL; i++) { char dev_uuid[40]; struct cache_sb *sb = query_dev(args[i], force_csum, !query_brief, uuid_only, dev_uuid); if (!sb) { printf("error opening the superblock for %s\n", args[i]); return -1; } if (uuid_only) { printf("%s\n", dev_uuid); } else if (query_brief) { char set_uuid_str[40], dev_uuid_str[40]; char *clus_uuid = (char *)sb->label; uuid_unparse(sb->user_uuid.b, set_uuid_str); uuid_unparse(sb->disk_uuid.b, dev_uuid_str); if (!strcmp(clus_uuid, "")) clus_uuid = "None"; printf("%-10s%-40s%-40s%-40s\n", args[i], dev_uuid_str, set_uuid_str, clus_uuid); } free(sb); } return 0; } static bool status_all = false; NihOption opts_status[] = { {'a', "all", N_("all"), NULL, NULL, &status_all, NULL}, NIH_OPTION_LAST }; int cmd_status(NihCommand *command, char *const *args) { int i, dev_count = 0, seq, cache_count = 0; struct cache_sb *seq_sb = NULL; char cache_path[MAX_PATH]; char *dev_names[MAX_DEVS]; char *dev_uuids[MAX_DEVS]; char intbuf[4]; char set_uuid[40]; for (i = 0; args[i] != NULL; i++) { struct cache_sb *sb = query_dev(args[i], false, false, false, NULL); if (!sb) { printf("Unable to open superblock, bad path\n"); return -1; } if (!seq_sb || sb->seq > seq) { seq = sb->seq; seq_sb = sb; } else free(sb); } if (!seq_sb) { printf("Unable to find a superblock\n"); return -1; } else { uuid_unparse(seq_sb->user_uuid.b, set_uuid); printf("%-50s%-15s%-4s\n", "uuid", "state", "tier"); } snprintf(intbuf, 4, "%d", i); snprintf(cache_path, MAX_PATH, "%s/%s/%s", cset_dir, set_uuid, "cache0"); /* * Get a list of all the devices from sysfs first, then * compare it to the list we get back from the most up * to date superblock. If there are any devices in the superblock * that are not in sysfs, print out 'missing' */ while (true) { char buf[MAX_PATH]; int len; DIR *cache_dir; if(((cache_dir = opendir(cache_path)) == NULL) && cache_count > MAX_DEVS) break; if (cache_dir) closedir(cache_dir); if((len = readlink(cache_path, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1)) != -1) { struct cache_sb *sb; char dev_uuid[40]; char dev_path[32]; buf[len] = '\0'; dev_names[dev_count] = dev_name(buf); snprintf(dev_path, sizeof(dev_path), "%s/%s", "/dev", dev_names[dev_count]); sb = query_dev(dev_path, false, false, true, dev_uuid); if (!sb) { printf("error reading %s\n", dev_path); return -1; } else free(sb); dev_uuids[dev_count] = strdup(dev_uuid); dev_count++; } cache_path[strlen(cache_path) - strlen(intbuf)] = 0; cache_count++; snprintf(intbuf, 4, "%d", cache_count); strcat(cache_path, intbuf); } for (i = 0; i < seq_sb->nr_in_set; i++) { char uuid_str[40]; struct cache_member *m = seq_sb->members + i; char dev_state[32]; int j; uuid_unparse(m->uuid.b, uuid_str); snprintf(dev_state, sizeof(dev_state), "%s", cache_state[CACHE_STATE(m)]); for (j = 0; j < dev_count; j++) { if (!strcmp(uuid_str, dev_uuids[j])) { break; } else if (j == dev_count - 1) { if (!strcmp(cache_state[CACHE_STATE(m)], "active")) snprintf(dev_state, sizeof(dev_state), "%s", "missing"); break; } } printf("%-50s%-15s%-4llu\n", uuid_str, dev_state, CACHE_TIER(m)); } if (seq_sb) free(seq_sb); for (i = 0; i < dev_count; i++) { free(dev_names[i]); free(dev_uuids[i]); } return 0; }