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.TH bcache 8
bcache \- manage bcache filesystems/devices
.B bcache
.BR format
Format one or a list of devices with bcache data structures. You need to do this before you create a volume.
.BR register
Register a list of devices.
.BR list-cachesets
List cachesets on this system. This just searches /sys/fs/bcache.
.BR query-devs
Gives info about the superblock for a list of devices.
.BR status
Finds the status of the most up to date superblock in each tier. Pass in a list of devices.
.BR stats
List bcache specific statistics. Use --list to find out exactly what these are. To list stats for a cacheset, just give the cacheset uuid. To target a cache within the cacheset, use the -c option. To get time interval stats, use the hour, day, etc, options.
.BR probe
Return UUID if device identified as bcache-formatted.
Only necessary until support for the bcache superblock is included
in blkid; in the meantime, provides just enough functionality for a udev script
to create the /dev/disk/by-uuid symlink.
.BR help
List the bcache commands
.SH Options for bcache
.BR \--help
.SH Options for format
.SH Global options:
.BR \-w,\ --block=
block size, in bytes (e.g. 4k)
.BR \-w,\ --btree_node_size=
btree node size in bytes - default 256k
.BR \--metadata_checksum_type=TYPE
.BR \--data_checksum_type=TYPE
where TYPE is one of none, crc32c (default), or crc64
.BR \--compression_type=TYPE
where TYPE is one of none (default), lz4 or gzip
.BR \--encrypted
Enable encryption; passphrase will be prompted for
.BR \--error_action=TYPE
where TYPE is one of continue, readonly (default) or panic
.BR \-l\ --label=LABEL
Create the filesystem with the specified label
.BR \--uuid=UUID
Create the filesystem with the specified UUID
.BR \--force
Force the filesystem to be created, even if the device already contains a
.SH Options that apply to subsequent devices:
.BR \--fs_size=SIZE
Create the filesystem using SIZE bytes on the subsequent device
.BR \-b\ --bucket-size=SIZE
Specifies the bucket size - must be greater than the btree node size
.BR \-t,\ --tier=INDEX
Specifies the tier of subsequent devices, where INDEX is a small integer and a
smaller index indicates a faster tier - tier 0 being the fastest. Currently only
two tiers are supported.
.BR \--discard
Enable discards on subsequent devices
.SH Options for register
.SH Options for list-cachesets
.BR \-d,\ --dir=
Provide a directory other than /sys/fs/bcache
.SH Options for query-devs
.BR \-f,\ --force-csum
Enables bcache to going even if the superblock crc is invalid
.SH Options for status
.SH Options for stats
.BR \-a,\ --all
List all stats and their values for the given device.
.BR \-l,\ --list
List the names of the different stats for the given device.
.BR \-u,\ --set=
UUID for the cacheset
.BR \-d,\ --dev=
UUID for a device within the cacheset. Must pass in the cacheset UUID in order to search for a dev.
.BR \-c,\ --cache=
Cache number, starts from 0
.BR \--five-min-stats
stats accumulated in the last 5 minutes
.BR \--hour-stats
stats accumulated in the last hour
.BR \--day-stats
stats accumulated in the last day
.BR \--total-stats
stats accumulated in total